As I was wrapping the Christmas gifts for my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, a silly question popped up in my head: Why do we need to wrap the presents we bought for people?Aren't they a waste of paper and effort since the recipients will eventually tear them apart and focus what's inside the wrapping paper instead of admiring the patterns on the wrapping paper itself?I managed to question myself this way this year because I have to wrap these presents myself instead of just asking those sales girls/guys to wrap them.After a few hours spent in wrapping those presents, I finally realized wrapping presents is an easy task if I want to wrap it fast and it would like look 'kiam chai bui'.Well what's outside doesn't really matter right since what's inside that counts, right?? Haha
As I ponder upon myself, how many people really appreciate those gifts that you gave them?When the gift was wrapped, most of us are excited of what gift would it be and all those enthusiasm automatically starts to flood our veins as we look forward to unwrap the gifts we received.Then if the gift is not what we expected it to be or is suitable for us to use, we tend to show a small frown and lets out a quiet sigh to show how much we appreciate that gift and reluctantly says 'Thank You' just to show some respect and manners.I don't believe everyone is like that or am I pointing any fingers around but it's just a hypothesis of human behavior on how most people would probably react in these situations thus I used myself as a test subject hence my hypothesis.
Before I went on any further, I checked my attitude in the light of Scripture and found out that my attitude was extremely self centered and ungrateful.How can I grumble and expect others to give me what I want and not think about the giver's financial standings and heart?People give out of a good purpose to cheer me up and to tell me that I'm someone in their life yet I have ruin such thought when I focus myself on the gift.How wretched am I if I were follow what my instinct tells me and allows it to determine my attitude!
The Bible tells us of the greatest gift mankind would ever receive which is forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ. There was no outward adornment that makes the Lord Jesus Christ a beautifully wrapped gift since the Bible describes Him as a man that had his visage marred than of any man.He was neither popular or wanted in the society nor appreciated who He was.Only a handful of people realized that He was the greatest gift of all when they realized what was really needed in their lives.Not money or fame or prosperity because all these will soon perish and fade away but what is eternal.What then is eternal?They saw Jesus as the one who is able to reconcile mankind with God through the giving of His life!Did Jesus came to rule and lay down harsh commandments that makes our life miserable?Or did He came as a dictator, commanding us to give ourselves to Him without question and deals with us like slaves?If that was the case, Christ would not have died and we will all remain in our sins!
There was once, when I watched some Chinese film that depicts a rebellious son seeking for forgiveness of his father when he realized that he's done nothing but wrong to his father, and when the father willingly accepts his apology and forgives him of all that he has done, my heart felt joyful as I faced that in my life as well just as I ask the Lord Jesus to forgive me of all the sins that I have done and return back to Him while He's willing to accept me and forgive me.This is the greatest gift of all that God gave us.This gift of love that would sometimes seems to be just like any gift to me but yet sometimes it seems to be a mind boggling thought as I consider that gift a little closer.We will not appreciate the gift if we have not come to realize what we really lack and need.
I have learn t that even in giving presents to people, I would prefer to get them something that they need instead of something that they want.Of course this would need a lot of interaction between that individual but that would in turn strengthen the friendship as well.It's always satisfying to see the smile in your friend's face when they received your present or better still, a teary eye.Haha well, that for me is the joy of receiving and the joy of giving.It doesn't need to be expensive or branded but that item alone can cheer up and benefit that individual for a long time if it meets the need.
All in all, have a blessed holiday season and have a blessed New Year 2008!