Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Friday 2008

Easter is back again and I looked forward for this huge event of the year because I get to meet up with all the “chabohs” from other churches..err no, I mean I get to eat Easter eggs and mutilate bunnies..err not really, I mean I get to celebrate Christ death and resurrection on Easter. Anyway, for those who know me better will know that I’m not serious with the first 2 reasons right...(maybe the first reason would be a secondary attraction..not the main one..hehe).

What is Easter all about anyway? Or Good Friday? To cut things short, Good Friday (Easter) is not about Easter eggs or Easter bunnies. That’s all got to do with sales marketing. They made a mascot out of that day which is the bunny, get some tangible products to attract kiddies by coloring chicken eggs, and create some story to convince customers that Good Friday is all about their products. Thus, we get an over-publicized Easter season in the western countries.

There isn’t such a big hoo haa in Malaysia though since it’s considered an Islamic country and we don’t get public holiday for Easter (Sad huh). Or maybe the Islamic do not recognize this occasion as a public holiday because they do not believe that Jesus died on the cross at Calvary and rose on the third day. They believed that it was Judas who was hanged on that cross instead of Jesus and somehow that’s why they don’t recognize Easter as a universal event even though it’s in the calendar.

Easter is all about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What does resurrection means? It means that a dead being is brought back to life and never to die again! Totally awesome! Kawa Banga! A resurrection or should I say the resurrection! What’s so special about the resurrection of Jesus Christ? What does it got to do with me and why should we care about it anyway? It’s not a holiday anyway so that makes it an any ordinary working or schooling day in Malaysia. But I beg to differ, the resurrection of Christ is what makes Christianity different from all other religions. Oh that statement makes me a religious bias or religious racist since I’m putting Christianity on top of all other religions. Before you shut me off, I would like to ask you a question: did any of the other religious pengasas raised from the dead to prove that they are special or different? The prophet Muhammad didn’t raised from the dead; Gautama didn’t raised from the Dead and all the rest of the pengasas is still in the tomb till today except Jesus Christ! Jesus’ tomb lies empty until this day simply because He is not dead. He is alive! No believe? Well, He did appear in front of 500 over eye witnesses after His resurrection. To say that He didn’t die at the first place? Well, historically the Roman soldier pierced his spear on Jesus’ side to make sure that He’s dead on the cross before taking Him down, wrapped and placed in the tomb that is being shut by a huge boulder to ensure no one can go in and steal His body, and as if that’s not enough, the Roman guards placed 2 guard post over His tomb to make sure that no one can go near that tomb. Why so kin cheong over a dead person anyway? Do you see any logic behind all the security measures that has been taken by the Roman soldiers?

The simple reason is this: Jesus told His disciples that He will rise from the dead after the third day of His death. Tada! That’s why the Jews (the people who put Jesus to death) were afraid that it would happen because that would jeopardize their religion at that time. They had to make sure that Jesus will be dead and stay dead in the tomb just like anybody else in order to make Jesus a liar for saying that He is able to raise from the dead after three days. Alas, that was not the case because Jesus indeed rose from the dead! The huge boulder that shut the entrance of the tomb was rolled away exposing the tomb and the body of Christ was not found in that tomb. He appeared to all his disciples and other eye witnesses to prove his Resurrection. In rising from the dead, He claims to be who He is: the Son of God and being that He is able to save you and me because He has broken the power of sin and conquered death!

What’s this thing about saving you and me? Do we need to be saved? Saved from what? The simple answer would be: the wrath of God; to save us from the wrath of God. Why is God angry with us? Is God supposed to be loving and caring? Why is there wrath since God “should” be loving? First of all, God is loving but He is also holy. All of us are sinful people and the meaning of sin simply means that anything that goes against God. If we just lied just once whether it be a white lie or a black lie, in God's eyes that makes us a liar even though we lied once only. Even if we just hate a person in our heart, in God's eyes we are considered as murderers because once we hate that person in our hearts, we have already 'murdered' him in our heart even though it is not acted out. If this is God's standard, how then can we face Him at all? Our sin makes us enmity to God and God being a holy and just God, He will punish us for our sins by sending us to hell. Eternal condemnation to hell. However, God knew that we could not possibly come to God with our own works thus God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to earth in order to redeem us from condemnation by living a perfect life on earth and die for us as a substitute. Which means that we will no longer be punished for our sins but be saved by the work of Christ when we trust on Him to take our sins away.

That's why it is called Good Friday! Even though it is the to commemorate the death of Christ, (why would anyone say good when a person dies??! I would whack that fella if anyone says that it is good when my parents die.) it is a day to celebrate because Christ didn't just die, He rose from the dead on the third day! He is alive today and forever more!

Friends, if you are reading this, I want to let you know that Jesus loves you that He have died in your place to redeem you from your sins so that you might have eternal life upon trusting in Him.This is the gift of Easter.It is a free gift of God and even though it is free, it is not cheap because it demands the life of Jesus Christ.

"For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord"
Romans 6:23

Monday, March 03, 2008

Memoirs of ASE Part 2~

In my previous post, some of my ex-colleagues got back to me and complained why aren’t they mentioned back there in that post thus I will blog about the rest of them here in this post. However, I’ve got some feedbacks from my friends on how I’ve written about them and I find their response to it quite interesting when they commented about it in MSN. So I will continue to express what I feel about the rest of them in this post in words without much filtering of the ‘truth’.

Okay, first up we have our hilarious Infrastructure section (CH Tan) head whom possess a voice that’s so manly and when he speaks, you would be able to feel his shockwave (not much, but can be felt through the air) even though you may be sitting a few meters from him. He’s our MIS department’s defense manager since he’s the only one that is able to fend off all the users/customers attacks and accuses when issues happens. He is able to think of many realistic examples to reply back to the customers or users and most of them would be silenced by his replies and his manly voice. The best part was whenever he talks on the phone, his voice is projected throughout the whole office and practically everyone hears him speaking on the phone and the content of it. I had such wonderful times laughing in my cubicle at most of the replies he made in the phone calls to the users and that really made my day during those times. That was how I learnt to answer the users with such courage and use all the tactical replies to defend myself. There was once that he dyed his hair gold or light brown during Chinese New Year and I can still picture him in that hairdo even until today. It’s really fun working with him in those days when I was in ASE.

Next, this monkey (Fong Chin Fe)over here loves to pose a lot whenever he takes photographs. He’s one active guy that loves to be involved in almost every activity but of course he’ll surely calculate all the possible costs to involve himself in any of them. Hehe, for me to know and for you to find out (well, it’s easy to find out what that means if you’re from ASE..:P) . However, he’s a good friend and he’s able to give realistic advises to those who seek them from him. Besides that, he’s so friendly that almost the whole plant knows who he is. He can be ASE Idol if there’s such a contest. I will vote for him if there’s such a contest and I will ask Tze How to upload his photos to ASEM INFO so that all the operators can know who he is. His popularity is second to none; in fact, he may even be more popular than the GM himself. There was once, a girl from Production Control resigned from the company and she sends out a good bye mail to everyone. He replied to her something ‘naughty’ as it was his nature of doing so but this time, he has forgotten that the mail was addressed to everyone in the company and he replied to all! Man, if I were him, I would dig a hole and bury myself in there. So humiliating. What’s worse was that her boyfriend was in the same company too! He received that reply as well. Thank God that he knew that this was just a joke or else we wouldn’t see Fong in existence today. (I will be the first to curi all his dragon ball collection figures)

The next person I would like to talk about is our ever young man (TJ Tan) that never seemed to age. Although he may be the eldest among our group (second only to CH), he still fits in easily as he is a very fun person to be mixing with. He seems to be a pro-learner in almost every single thing he does. This can be proven because he excels very fast in any game he plays or anything he does. Last time, he doesn’t play DotA at all but he would love to watch people playing them. Then after a few convictions from us, he tried to play this game versus AI at first. After a few months of intensive training, he managed to play DotA and own like a pro! Not everyone can do that because I still meet lousy players even though they have been playing for years. Some people just wouldn’t learn and will never improve from their current performance but this is not true for TJ! He learns well and excels to be a better player than most of us in our department. He’s always in the top rankings in Facebook games as well. Furthermore, he’s very determined to learn all the game mechanics and is always updated with the latest version plus he likes to ban people in blueserver! That’s one thing I am always lazy to do because it involves a lot of procedures and hard work but that didn’t stop TJ from banning all those leavers!! (I couldn’t find any photo of him so I took it from his Friendster, he’s the second one from the bottom.)

These two lovebirds (Weng Keat & Yvonne) are inseparable as you can see in the photo above and even in real life, both of them shares everything together. Even now, when I think of what to write about them, my hair is already standing due to all the geliness that they like to engage themselves into. The girl is super yuk mar, the guy is super good towards her and both of them are really for each other. (110% compatibility) This girl is called 4P. (Pui Pui Pong Pong) PATENTED, and certified by ASE MIS department. This name came about because she admitted it herself! Of course, I came up with that nick name but I didn’t say that it was her but she claim that title upon herself so now she’s officially the 4P. Hehehe..She’s very jimat one similar to her ‘hubby’. Breakfast time won’t go down canteen with us to eat one but will come down to Weng Keat’s cubicle and ber-romantik there while everyone else is gone. So the ‘yuk mar’, anyway I better stop describing them here if not every single strand of my hair will stand up due to my imagination. The two of them had already bought a home together at Sunny ville and hopefully by the time they move in, Weng Keat know what to do lah.. hehehe.. (Better marry her liao, she already drooling for that sentence to be said by you.). Here are some photographs of the apartment they bought that Yvonne shared with me.

*Behold the isle of DAP~

*next year we go to their house and pai chia~

*titanic pose area

*ber-romantic sessions area

*where 4P keeps her deposits..

Last but not least, I wish all of them the best in their future and undertakings as we have now journeying in a different road now. Adios, and all the best! Hope to see you guys again if there are any gatherings.