Monday, July 14, 2008


"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven"..Ecclesiastes 3:1

I will never forget the exodus that took place in this year, 2008. The exodus of 12 young people to another place where God has placed each of everyone of them where their destiny lies.

To be honest, I still do not know what to feel about the exodus. Whether to feel sad or to be filled with joy (obviously not!) or to feel discouraged when I'm faced with such situation. Yes, the youth group numbers will definitely be dwindling from now on but that's not what I'm thinking about. I believe that this is a challenge that God is putting me through as youth leader to face and I firmly believe that God is trying to make a point here with this current exodus. The One who is able to put down His life and is able to pick it back up is trying to prove a point to me.

It is as if God is trying to tell me that He is rebuilding His work and asked me to trust in Him. I always remind myself that the Lord's work belongs the the Lord and we who are given the charge to nurture it is responsible to keep it and work it out. It is never for us to take His glory upon ourselves on the work that flourishes. Yes, we may take pride in the work when it begins to bloom but we should always remember that it is the Lord that gave the growth. We planted but God is the one who gave the harvest. Sometimes we overlooked that it is the Lord that provides the fruit and we start to get cocky about it. Then as time passed by, we lazed in our comfort zone not doing anymore because we think that we have done 'enough'.

Well, the fact of the matter is this: If God chooses to take away, who are we to stop Him from doing so? And if God chooses to bless us, who are we to defy the Almighty God?The situation now is like a scene in the film 'Facing The Giants ', when the coach teaches his players to honor God whether they win or lose but what matters the most is that they give their best in the field. I wanna be like that too.I wanna give my best in this ministry that God has entrusted to me because at the end of the day, it is not men that I serve but God! Have to keep reminding myself that.

As closing, I'll just recommend you readers this great movie that have encouraged me alot in my walk of life.

Too bad it's just a picture..For more details, visit to buy. :)

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