Thursday, December 01, 2005

Lack of 'Discipline'

Starting something is sure easy but maintaining it, that's the thing that really test your patience, determination and most of all : Discipline. When I started this blog, I thought I would pen down most of the things I've been through in my life and always be 'excited' to write such new things in this blog, but it seems that the fire grew cold inside and World of Warcraft starts and always will take the time I use for writing blogs..hahaha..actually i'm not that talented in writing, surely those who knows me well enough will know that..hehe takes me a long time to figure out what words to use, which bombastic words to add in to make my sentences 'flowerish', and won't know who would be reading this anyway.

Initially, I wanted to start a blog that would edify the readers who read of it and gives inspiration as well. I think I still have a long way to go since I haven't acheived anything. =) Anyway, I'm up for the challenge to execute my plans. Hope I'll gather enough time to write. haha. Another that turns me down, which is whenever I finishes writing and click the publish post button, it will show error and whenever i click back. I see an empty screen. THAT really turns me OFF!! anyway, i've learnt to save my work no excuse for myself. =)

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