Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The faithfulness of God

Something happened yesterday that made my heart rejoice with thanksgiving and filled with joy.
Something that the youth commitees have been praying fervently for.
Something that I thought would never come true due to so many obstacles that stands in the way.

But God in His sovereignity proved me wrong. Not only wrong, but faithless. I have always had a little more doubt than faith concerning that prayer which I made to God. I did not fully place my trust in God even though I knew it in the head that I should have faith. Sometimes I think I know more when I ought to simply believe it.

Most of the times, God had answered my prayers in alot of ways according to my plea when I put faith in it.I always thanked God for answering my prayers when I realized that it was His doing because I was expecting that kind of response from God.

Today, I realized another important trait about God through experience. This verse appeared in my mind immediately when I was still praising God today:

If we are faithless,
He remains faithful;
He cannot deny Himself.

2 Timothy 2:13

God remains to be faithful even though I was faithless towards Him. His character is truly unchangable and His attributes endures forever. In this, I rejoice even more greatly when in my weakness, God used it for His opportunity to show how mighty He is in my life. Thank you God for such an experience.

Next year's bible camp speaker will be George Dawson. God willing that he will be able to make it that time. Amen

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