Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Movie Review - Hair Spray

When I was browsing at the cinema screens in Golden Screens Cinemas for any good shows, I came across this movie poster.As usual, the first thing to determine whether the movie was worth watching is first to look at the actors/actresses involved in the movie.Directors and producers also makes a big difference to determine whether the movie is good or not.

First of all, the name of this movie did not appeal to me at all but what caught my attention was the cast.I always thought that a good cast will always produce a good movie (I sticked to this 'theory' ever since I started watching movies which seems to work) and I thought to myself that if there's so many famous actors/actresses collaborating together in making that movie, then this producer must have a huge budget for the film.More budget = more props = much more details = good movie. Hehe

Anyway, I managed to catch this movie with my church friends and I enjoyed every moment of the movie.It's based in the 70's and a musical drama itself.*Warning for those who haven't watch this film yet, there WILL be spoilers in this review*

Basically, this movie is about a plump girl(Nikki Blonsky) that loves dancing and would love to dance in her favorite TV show plus she's got a crush on a guy(Zac Efron) in that show as well so she's devoted to that show more than anything else (even studies or food diet).Then there's an opening in that show to replace a dancer because she would be away for 9 months and Tracy (Nikki Blonsky) knew about it and went for the audition for that spot.The manager of the TV station,Velma (Michelle Pfeiffer) made it hard for Tracy to qualify for that spot by making cruel statements about her size, brains and skill just by look at her without even any trying out.Well, in reality, that really happens a lot when most plump people will be looked at like second class citizen.

Nobody loves to be fat or glad to be one simply because we are bombarded by the media that slim people look the best, perform the best, and does everything else much better than someone who is plump (except for some areas like Sumo wrestling or Tug of war challenge). Look at all the media adverts today, it's hard to find some adverts with plump people in it and even if there's one, it's not the main feature.People always look at the outward part of people and make reckless judgment about them that isn't really true at most of the time.This problem will always be there but what can one do about it is to be considerate and look through a person,not merely the outward expression but what is inside that person.Be patient and find out about them lest we judge recklessly.

Back to the show, in that era according to the show, there's a significant separation between the whites and the blacks (one with fair skin and one with dark skin), where racism is portrayed strongly in that show. Velma and her boss dislikes having the blacks in having the same position as whites that's why they separated the white dancers with the blacks plus they officiate a day to be 'Negro day' where only the blacks can have that 'privilege' to dance in the show for that day.Negro day only happens once a month and any other day is 'Whites' day.Queen Latifah and Elijah Kelley led the role of the blacks and showed how they protested against such racism.Tracy was the only one who is fair skinned joined the protest because she believes in standing for what is right instead of standing with the majority.

Sometimes, do we asked ourselves, "Are we following what others want me to do just because I want to be part of them and not to offend them?" or "Even though I know it's wrong, but what can I do about it?I'm only one person.I can't be against a whole lot of them".At times like this, we should remind ourselves that what actually rule our lives.Majority or values that we hold true to?If we hold true to the values that are against the majority and could not stand for what is right in our eyes, we can only hold ourselves to be blamed when our integrity are questioned. Are we standing for what we think is right or are we just mere followers of the crowd?Are we living a lives to please everyone or are we living our lives for ourselves or are we living it for a higher calling?

Finally, what impacts me in this movie is this part: the part where Wilbur (Christopher Walken) and Mrs. Turnblad (John Travolta) tried to patch up after Wilbur got misunderstood by having an affair with Velma (Michelle Pfeiffer) and they did a whole musical by singing to one another that they are Timeless to one another.Despite of Mrs. Turnblad's big size for being a big eater, Wilbur's love remained unchanged towards her.His faithfulness to her was more than just external and the trust between them seems impeccable.That's what love really is and that really marvels me to see how marriage should really work.

External beauty may fade away but what really keeps them together is the internal beauty that never fade away.Both of them built their relationship on the right track and that kept them together for the rest of their lives.In the world today, most relationships are motivated by the lust of the eyes.One guy can fall for a girl without even knowing her and that can happen within seconds just by having a few glances at her.Nowadays we can see that relationships can be built easily and break easily.What I can see is that what really motivates relationships is lust instead of love.I hope I won't end up liking a girl due to her appearance alone and end up lusting after her body instead of loving her for who she really is.

These are the verses that was reminded in me when I write this post:

Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand. Romans 14:4

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. Galatians 3:28-29

4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Overall, this is a very good show in my opinion.Go buy the dvd and watch it.Buy original ya! Don't pirate :P

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