There's a topic I've learn t throughout my life that most people tend to avoid. Whenever anyone speaks of this topic, you would hear people trying to hush about it or would try to dismiss the discussion immediately. Among our chinese circles, it is considered a taboo and no one would bring this topic up unless necessary. Yea, this topic is Death.
I'm not interested of discussing such topic now but I came across this question when I was a young boy and it kinda stuck in my mind till now.The question sounds like this: If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do with the remaining hours in your hands?
I would :
a) Call up all my long lost best friends and have a fruitful chat over the phone.
b) Eat steamed nuts that are sold in Gurney Drive.
c) Write my will so that all my Dragon Ball Model collections will be handed over to the right hands.
d) Tell my colleagues that Jesus is the only way to God and ask them to consider Christ over everything else.
e) Meet up with my friends whom I've hurt before in the past and reconcile with them + give them a hug.(Man, I never really hug people before..hmm)
f) Go Tambun and have a feast of seafood! HAHAHA..Since I'm going to die tomorrow, myself die with a full stomach and I don't have to worry about allergy s.
g) Organize a gathering for all my internet friends whom I've never met before despite of having a close virtual relationship.Make sure I meet all of them before I die!
h) Play paintball with all my church friends!
i) Eat more steamed nuts..(I crave for them even now!)
j) Show love and appreciation to all my close friends and tell them how good they are and thank them for being such a wonderful friend to me.Could even cry while doing that...*sniff *sniff
k) Have my Last Dinner with my parents and tell them how much I love them, plus seeking for forgiveness over the times that I have merajuked to them.
l) Tell the one I admired secretly that I love her with my sincere heart and even though we may not be together, I would tell her that she will be my last.(Of course, tomorrow die d what..sure last la..hahaha)
m) Pray for all my parents, friends, church mates, colleagues, school mates, uni mates, and enemies that God will watch over them and continue to bless their lives abundantly. Of course pray for forgiveness from God and make myself ready to meet God.
n) Lastly, lie silently in the tomb where I custom made for myself and savor the memories in my final hour.
Of course there are many more things I have not added into the list but I think there's too many things to do when I know that I will die tomorrow.One lesson I've learn t from asking myself this question which is to appreciate everything in front of you and be contented with what you have. What's the use if I had the wealth of the world yet I will die tomorrow?What gain can I have if I am the most successful man on earth but will perish tomorrow?People may make monuments or statues to commemorate someone important but how many people actually knows about his/her life?What impact have we brought to everyone whom we have met?Are they touched by our lives or are we living our lives just for ourselves?
As I grew older, I begin to realize that time is really too short for me to achieve everything I've planned for myself.I believe that we can only achieve certain things in our lives, not all things. Therefore, this day onwards, I purposed in my heart to always consider about others, bless others, encourage others, love one another, cherish one another, compliment others, and finally look out for other's needs.I want to be a living testimony and leave a strong impact in other people's life in one way or another.I hope that I can achieve this very purpose that I have made.
So what's your death wish?
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